Sam Wassman better known as, Lucki, is well known gamer who is notorious for being very racist, homophobic, and all out a swagged out baller. He began his journey to the top when he started playing rust and met up with the scripter known as zaiden, they started talking and realized they both have common interest such as dressing like femboys, and be autistic on omegle. Soon Lucki was invited to the ape lair and started off as a chimp, then became a monkey, and finally he reached the top of ape lair, but soon he would start a clan who is known to be the biggest shit talking in Call of Duty Cold War history, the Alfan Longhorns. The Alfan Longhorns consisted of apes such as Nug, Wavy, Woody, Zaiden, Meme, and of course Lucki. Together they terrorized the North American Server with their shit talking, and Uber Pownage. Unfortunatly Lucki would have his downfall as he started becoming a pussy and drinking twisted tea and cheating on Minecraft. Even though he had a reputation for being just your average femboy he would be removed the offical Ape Realm as punishment. Legend has that Lucki will soon rise up again being gayer then ever and create a name for himself for being the biggest homo of the 21st century.